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Stand Up

Artist:NewS  Album:Kibou ~Yell~ (Limited Edition)  Release Year:2004 

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会いたい想いを何度も飲み込む 君と交わした約束がある この胸強くビート刻むよ so stand up,for the champions,for the champions,stand up stand up,stand up,for the champions,for the champions stand up(stand up),for the champions,for the champions,stand up stand up(stand up),stand up(stand up) 燃え上がれ 燃え上がれstand up (stand up,stand up,stand up) 君が流した涙の意味は無駄にはなら ない さぁ顔上げて行くのさ これ以上誰も飛べないくらい so stand up(stand up)for the champions for the champions,stand up stand up(stand up)stand up(stand up) for the champions,for the champions stand up(stand up)for the champions for the champions,stand up stand up(stand up)stand up(stand up) 燃え上がれ 燃え上がれstand up (stand up,stand up,stand

Posted By: 山P大好き
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:3624


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