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Theoretical Dick Jokes/Statistics

アーティスト:Bo Burnham 

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I wanted to be a physicist when I was younger, and I wanted to also be a comedian. But, only one of those sort of worked out, so I'd like to try to do both, though, now in a bit that I call "Theoretical Dick Jokes." It goes like this: My penis is so small that I have trouble finding it 'cause it's so greatly influenced by one mechanical fluctuation in the fabric of space-time. And, when I'm having intercourse with a woman, she can only know where my penis is or how fast it's moving because it's small enough and light enough to be fully-governed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. "I've got an eating disorder." Yeah,.... more like nutritional entropy. So.... I never said it was funny, so stop staring at me. Segue-ways are weird. How old is too old to stop believing in like the Tooth Fairy? .... like twleve? I have a cousin who is eighteen. .... yeah. .... still believes in gay marriage. I know what you guys are thinking: "Oh, Bo, you tackle such taboo subjects. You know. Is there anything off-limits.... anything you don't find funny.... anything that you think is too sacred to laugh at?" And, the truth is, there is: .... White people. Think we've been through enough.... ? I find numbers to be fascinating and, more specifically than numbers, I find statistics

投稿者: PetitLyrics


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