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The Dead Skin
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It's me I hate, not you at all I am my own medicine, Turned into a poison I think I gave you a lot, And not enough... I know Tortured myself, same as you, Without losing my sanity. Where's my applause? I see no reason to live in Hell. How can life make me feel so incomplete? I had a weakness and my walls came down My tears won't reach the ground Burn my new wound I know I cannot feel regret for anything If I was numb, I'd end this once and for all I feel the burn, still... I cannot face this day, my guards are down I cannot love myself... weak, sad clown I see myself in fading colors I see no hope there... Where I always used to... I fear your words, the things they mirror Maybe that is all I am, just a reflection... please help me.. I see no reason to live in hell When you smile, you make me feel incomplete But it's all ending, the clock's rewinding We don't mean anything to me. You think? I killed this silence for us to make things right The words are loaded. Once connected, One torso, one head One solid reason, the pain... If love's the neck, kept us together, and apart... Now it's broken... There is no cast, no salvation When it is broken, it will stay that way Believe me when I say this I would not if I did not care Tears don't mean anything If we don't know when we're sorry No one will win today we can't

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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