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Merry Christmas From The Whole Fam Damily

アーティスト:Unknown Artist 

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(Cledus T. Judd/Chris Clark) Twas the fight before Christmas When all through the house No furniture left standing, no TV or couch Our aquarium, heck they even knocked over my Chia Pet MeMaw was flung 'cross the room by her hair By her sister Ethel who never fought fair LET'S GET READY TO TUMBLE!!!!!!! The children all wrestled and jumped off the beds Dropping elbows and knees on each other's heads And MaMaw wth her frying pan and Pa with his bat Cleared half the room in ten seconds flat The whole brawl began from an innocent matter When Aunt Flo thought Eugene said "She looks a whole lot fatter" She knocked him through the window he fell with a crash Tore down the gutters and busted his LEG REALLY BAD You ought to have saw it It looked like he'd been in a motorcycle wreck No Kiddin Yeah awful I couldn't turn to look at it You see both sides of our family have never gotten along And every holiday something always go wrong You ain't supposed to fight but spread joy in this season But when they get the nog they just look for a reason In no time at all everybody joined in And right there we squared off with our closest of kin It's a time for givin said Uncle Bill As he gave a black eye to his brother-in-law Phil I heard somebody say "It's the thought that counts And right now I'm thinking about knocking your butt out" Presents and fists flew all over the room And NaNa had some fancy moves with the broom She took out three cousins and knocked down the tree And I ducked just in time she swung out at me It's my favorite time of year Dad always has too much beer Gets on the roof and hunts reindeer Merry Christmas from the whole fam damily Tie the antlers on the dog

投稿者: PetitLyrics


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