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Stand and Fight
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There’s a firestorm on the rise in the eastern sky And we’re all in this together until the day our fears subside Through all this death it’s so hard to remain so proud But together we’ve become what we can never be without Your hands are shaking and you’ve never felt so cold As you walk through the valley of death down the unknown road But you’re a hardened soldier steadfast from the scars of war You take more than a man can bear and you still take more Face down in the trenches it’s so hard to keep your head up high You’ve been beaten and attacked and you’ve seen your brothers die We stand alone but together as one through the violent night If we’re all in this together then we’re gonna have to stand and fight You left a memory of the good old days behind On a barstool back in England where the bullets don’t fly Through all this death it’s so hard to remain so proud But together we’ve become what

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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