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TOP > Lyrics > Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land
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How many days has it been Since I was born How many days until I die Do I know any ways That I can make you laugh Or do I only know how to make you cry When the baby looks around him It's such a sight to see He shares a simple secret With the wise man He's a stranger in a strange land Just a stranger in a strange land Tell me why He's a stranger in a strange land Just a stranger in a strange land How many miles will it take To see the sun And how many years until it's done Kiss my confusion away in the night Lay by side when the morning comes And the baby looks around him And shares his bed of hay With the burrow in the palace of the king He's a stranger in a strange land Tell me why He's a stranger in a strange land Just a stranger in a strange land

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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