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Her Name Was Alex

Artist:Robbi McMillen  Album:Façade 

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She'd stand in my centre my heart. And speak to me when times were dark. She'd look at me with loving eyes. My best friend who dettered the lies. Grá mo chroí thú ‘s'a stóirín fán liom, Cha bhíonn mo am leat in am ar bith olc, Imigh leatsa i ngar is i gcéin, Mo mhuinín ‘bheadh ionat le teacht maorga an ghréin. Her name was Alex, more than that, It's friend and soul and number one for a laugh. To me she's a life, a lifeline a joy. The frontiers of hatred with a hug she destroys. Glán mo hanam, mo chroí is mo mheabhair, Thug tú dom do hór do

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