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TOP > Lyrics > Hush-A-Bye Baby
Hush-A-Bye Baby

Artist:Magnum  Album:Rock Art 

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There's a reason for everything living Maybe frightened alone in the night But there's someone near and forgiving Who treads softly to turn on the light There's a reason for everyone's laughter Like a river it always will flow But there's something we are all after When that icy wind's starting to blow Hush-a-bye baby Born in this crazy world Hush-a-bye baby Falling for every word Hush-a-bye baby, baby Hush-a-bye baby, baby There's a reason we all get lonely Like a fool on the edge of a crowd When that feeling comes sneaking up slowly And your world has come tumbling down There's a reason for everyone's

Posted By: PetitLyrics
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