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You Will Pay Tomorrow
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As I hold my head down Against a whipping hard rain babe Slaps me like a sheet Sheets of rain coming down As I dig my heels deep In a minefield of muddy water I hear a voice loud and low Stays with me wherever I go sayin' You will pay tomorrow for what You do today Accept this as a truth For old as well as youth You will pay tomorrow for what You do today As sure as you are born Though you may be weak and torn As a snake pulls up beside me Thinking that my name is Eve My dark side starts to chide me But I bring him down to his knees As I close my eyes tight Deep in meditation Peaceful sleep evades me But a low pitched drone invades me sayin' You will pay tomorrow for what You do today Though you run you cannot hide It's a truth that shall abide sayin' You will pay tomorrow for what You do today It will find you in the morning A heartache for your warning As I shake my head twice Saying I'd rather fight than switch I was land rich but penny poor But I couldn't tell which from

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:3


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