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TOP > Lyrics > Don't Mind Me, I'm Only Dying Slow
Don't Mind Me, I'm Only Dying Slow
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Out from my window, the people are passing on by I hear them complain but I know that they don't even try And the lights down on Main Street don't shine like they used to And I'm thinking of nothing but spending a lifetime with you You know that I love you, you know that I wait by your door You know how I'm feeling, so I won't have to feel it no more But nobody could ever love you like I can Honey someday you'll wake up and maybe you'll understand Now I got a friend of a friend who drives a nice car And I got acquaintances down at the neighborhood bar And I got some women; they stop on by my home But somehow I always wake up each morning alone And the train that I ride has nothing aside From the Phantom Conductor with a dog at his side And the ghost of a weeping, weddingless bride Who should have been married but never arrived And I see through the windows like I see through the lies Like I see through every useless disguise that Everyone wears but everyone swears that they don’t Ah but don’t mind me baby, I’m only dying slow I’m trying so hard just to forget about you I try not to care about anything that you do But four in the morning and I just can’t sleep The pills ain’t workin and I

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:2


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