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TOP > Lyrics > This Romeo Ain't Got Julie Yet
This Romeo Ain't Got Julie Yet

Artist:Diamond Rio  Album:Close To The Edge 

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Your mamma thinks I'm lazy, Your daddy runs down my name But you said you'd love me, Come sunshine or come rain Well, I'll hold you to it Julie, Don't you fret and pout This story has a happy ending Even though for now. Chorus: This Romeo ain't got Julie, yet I love you so and you can bet I'd follow you to Timbuktu Like Scarlett followed Rhett But this Romeo ain't got Julie, yet Just meet me 'round the old man's barn 'Bout ten o'clock tonight I'll have my chevy humming And take you for a ride Throw the dog a big ole bone Make sure your bags are packed We're headed for that silver moon And may never come back

Posted By: PetitLyrics
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