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The Few
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At night the Baby Brotherhood and the Inter City Crew Fill their pockets up with calling cards And paint their faces red white and blue Then they go out seeking different coloured faces And anyone else that they can scare And they salute the foes their fathers fought By raising their right hands in the air. Oh look how my country's patriots are hunting down below What do they know of England who only England know? From the stands of the Empire Stadium Come the heralds of the New Dark Age With the simplicities of bigotry And to whom all the world's a stage These little John Bullshits know that the press Will glorify their feats So that the general public fear them And the authorities say give 'em all seats And the wasted seed of the bulldog breed Is shouting "Here we go!"

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:1


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