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Dance In The River
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Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah We're gonna dance in the river, yeah We're gonna dance in the river, yeah We're gonna dance in the river, yeah We're gonna dance in the river, yeah Try it with us - spoken We're gonna dance in the river, yeah We're gonna dance in the river, yeah We're gonna dance in the river, yeah We're gonna dance in the river, yeah We're gonna dance in the river, yeah We're gonna dance in the river, yeah We're gonna dance in the river, Are you ready to dance? - spoken We're gonna dance, dance Everybody dance now Spoken: All right boys and girls, let's join hands across the place Can we do that? From the back to the front Everybody, join hands with one, with one another Across the aisles, all the way across the aisles We're going to dance together, okay So you're holding onto somebody, and that's your dancing partner tonight Okay, that's your dancing partner In a minute, we're going to do this together, okay Hold on We're going to do this together in just a minute But we want to dance together in the river, The river Jesus

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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