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Paint Your Socks Into Pink

Artist:[Champagne]  Album:Run Away/Oblivion  Writer:川上洋平  Composer:川上洋平  Release Year:2013  Number:RX-083

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I'm going out with Ellen Page you know She is so hot I wanna hold her tight you know(alright) I'm gonna watch a movie with her at my flat We're gonna have some popcorn with lots of butter mmmmm Why don't we change the subject and let's go This is a microphone and this is Ma-kun (Yah!) We're gonna have a lot of fun but wait for sec We're gonna paint your socks into pink pink pink pink pink We're gonna spend the day off at the beach We're gonna spend the day off at the beach I don't know why but I want a eat peach We're gonna spend the day off at the beach <♪> I'm going out with Ellen Page you know I'm just kidding who do you think she is? alright I thought if

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:263


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