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TOP > Lyrics > My First Night Without You
My First Night Without You

Artist:Maria McKee  Album:Late December 

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I've put your things away All the things that you left me behind So lost throughout the day Numb, the body you've left me behind How many times in one day Will my cut feel the tearing away On my first night without you (My first night without you) And the shock still a dream it's killing me (My first night without you) Ebbing out, ebbing in The agony of breathing without you I've locked my heart away Just a day, just to get through a day The storm I've kept at bay Pounds and pummels my heart anyway How many times in one life How, so violent, so deep On my first night without you (My first night without you) And the shock still a dream it's killing me

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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