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Dance With The Devil

Artist:Katy Perry  Album:Witness  Writer:Katy Perry/Felix Snow/Sarah Hudson  Composer:Katy Perry/Felix Snow/Sarah Hudson  Release Year:2017-06-09  Number:UICC-90005

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I lost my tug of war today Took my foot off of the brakes The definition of insanity is looping on repeat And expecting things to change But what comes up must hit the ground So I drink these anvils down She always comes to me highly disguised An angel whispering, so many pretty shapes (Chorus) It's a dance with the devil A stumbling tango It's a dance with the devil Trying to borrow from tomorrow It's a dance It's a dance It's a dance Just want to connect But you won't let me do it So I get altered, twisted and conflicted

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:279


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