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TOP > Lyrics > I Am Winter
I Am Winter

Artist:Obey the Brave  Album:Salvation 

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Light up my soul! So cold Closed off from what I've been told Slow down Eyes open the ground to break you around Think twice Or you will find yourself on the ice Slow down Eyes open the ground to break you around Once found but now I'm lost Buried inside an eternal frost So cold An all time low Did you read my plan to use a ... An all time low, nowhere to go Nowhere to go but I'm from here We are complaining Just take it slow we'll have no fear It'll all be clear Nowhere to go but up up Nowhere to go but up up Just take it slow Look up, just let it snow Invade, a dust to silence the brave Slow down Eyes open the ground to break you around For high hopes to having hearts Never to abort Found but now I'm lost Buried inside an eternal frost

Posted By: PetitLyrics
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