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TOP > Lyrics > ハロウィーン・タウンの町会
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Listen everyone! There were objects so peculiar, the were not to be believed All around things to tantalize my brain. It's a world unlike anything I've ever seen And as hard as I try I can't seem to describe, Like the most improbable dream. But you must believe when I tell you this It's as real as my skull and it does exist. Here, let me show you… This is a thing called a present, The whole thing starts with a box. A box? Is it steel? Are there locks? Is it filled with a pox? A pox? How delightful, a pox! If you please! Just a box with bright-coloured paper, And the whole thing is topped with a box. A bow? But why? How ugly! What's in it? What's in it? That's the point of the thing, not to know. It's a bat! Will it bend? It's a rat! Will it break? Perhaps it's the head that I found in the lake. Listen now, you don't understand That's not the point of Christmas land. Now, pay attention. We pick up an over-sized sock and hang it like this on the wall. Oh, yes. Does it still have a foot? Let me see, let me look. Is it rotted

Posted By: TTR
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:36


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