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TOP > Lyrics > We can make it
We can make it

Artist:つのだ☆ひろ  Album:決定盤スターチャイルドベストコレクション  Writer:リンダ・ヘンリック  Composer:つのだ☆ひろ  Release Year:1989  Number:250A50063

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I know that we are young And we have just began to dream Our wildest dream And when the way gets rough I know we must be tough enough To keep on goin' now right or wrong We have gotta be strong (We can make it) Just to keep holding on (We can make it) But with you here by my side I know everything will be fine Wow oh We can make it, this can be the night We can spread our wings and fly Wow oh We can make it, baby you and I We can make it, if we try Come on, come on Don't ever listen to the words of fools
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Posted By: machine
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:11


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