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At age 13

Artist:VIDOLL  Album:Bastard  Writer:樹威  Composer:シュン  Release Year:2007  Number:POCE-14203

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「もう一人のボクよ こっちへおいで」 (Run in a head) He talked in whispers. またいつもの様に 悪魔が手招く (Son of a bitch!) Lured by another oneself. 五歳の少年はきっと夢にも (Play by the mom) I fell into evilways. 思わなかったでしょう? 欠陥不良の自分を (Son of a bitch!) I can't escape. Curse upon it! Tell me! What should I do! Curse upon it! Tell me! What should I do! 5 years 優等生なら 6 years 頭を撫でられる そう気づいて 7 years 良い子を演じた 8 years 他人の前でそれが 当たり前になって 9 years 誰より賢く 10 years 見抜けぬ奴等が 哀れに見えた 11 years 誰も愛せない

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Number of PetitLyrics Plays:34


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