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TOP > Lyrics > For the First Time in Forever(Disney Illumination/Disney mobileアレンジ)
For the First Time in Forever(Disney Illumination/Disney mobileアレンジ)

Artist:DisneyMobile  Album:Disney Illumination  Writer:Disney Mobile  Release Year:2014 

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The window is open! So's that door! I didn't know they did that anymore! Who knew we owned eight thousand salad plates? For years I've roamed these empty halls Why have a ballroom with no balls? Finally they're opening up the gates! There'll be actual real live people It'll be totally strange But wow! Am I so ready for this change 'Cause for the first time in forever There'll be music, there'll be light! For the first time in forever I'll be dancing through the night Don't know if I'm elated or gassy But I'm somewhere in that zone! 'Cause for the first time in forever I won't be alone

Posted By: (*´。・ω・。`*)
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:31


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