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Artist:倖田 來未  Album:DNA  Writer:TEEDA/KODA KUMI  Composer:Albin Nordqvist/Louise Frick Sveen  Release Year:2018-08-22  Number:RZCD-86631

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I bring the fire You gotta ring, gotta ring, gotta ring the alarm I bring desire You know I can't promise you I won't do any harm Hey guys step back! 火傷したいの? 小さい火種なんて焼き尽くす with my fire! I'm playing with fire In 1,2,3, 魔法かけたらそう夢中に 飛び込む覚悟はいい?? 調子良くても really don't care 足元すくむ little lady そんなヤワなことは so lame 望む win 進む wine 鈍い control over heat body 阻む問題には shakin' The turn around 立ち向かう姿勢 Softly じゃ間に合わない Blow up ya mind with my ハードな Swag right? I got no time 戯れ合うヒマは無い ねたむ ひねくれ者 Hey Mom's boy 火遊びはアカン 遊んだんで whatcha say huh? Burning Like Fire So hurry up, ring ring, ring call on me Playing with fire You better bring bling-bling we are breaking out つま先から頭まで 遊びでも get burned I'm playing with fire We're playing with fire I bring the fire You gotta ring, gotta ring, gotta ring the alarm I bring desire You know I can't promise you I won't do any harm You wanna play with me? 詰め甘すぎる出直しな 感動させな Like my fireworks 歯に絹着せたまま When you spit it out

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:988


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