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Artist:[Champagne]  Album:I Wanna Go To Hawaii.  Writer:川上洋平  Composer:川上洋平 

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I'm gonna be there But I don't know where I know that place is big and bright for sure But I don't know where it's at I wanna a fortune I wanna a Jaguar But I want my future to be secret Coz it's fun to grant oh oh! And when you're asked A question about About your future occupation at the school You are to make some answer straight out of the book they read I know you have some kind of struggle Inside the heart But you wouldn't show And in the end you buy your futures at the store あなたにとって仕事って何ですか? 動機は? 目標? 問われた時 「○○です」と答えを決めた途端 全ての先が見えた様な気がして つまらなくなった You're gonna live a life A life you own it The choise you make and things you eat Will effect your life until the end I may regret it But I don't give a shit

Posted By: ももいろピンク
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:795


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