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Oh three thousand miles, couldn't stop marking every stone we stepped on Just two hundred smiles between twenty-four hours we kept up Just one hundred times (Just one hundred times) was enough just to do it over and over again It's just a simple hello and good-bye cause we'll see you again I could breathe every moment If we can breathe every moment of this Wouldn't feel so alive without you oh my friends I could sing I could breathe every moment If we can breathe every moment of this Oh three thousand times Of the countless hours that we spent on Changed two hundred smiles making every second worth to fight for Cause one hundred times (Just one hundred times) was enough to do it over and over again So a million times, we will fall into a thousand pieces Glue them back for you cause we were broken right before we had to Fake a smile for you, trick my mind for you Cause it's enough just to do it over and over again It's just a simple hello and good-bye

Posted By: Spotify User
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:1029


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