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Artist:アウル・シティー  Album:All Things Bright And Beautiful  Composer:Adam Young 

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I saw the autumn leaves peel up off the street Take wing on the balmy breeze and sweep you off your feet And you blushed as they scooped you up on sugar maple wings To gaze down on the city below, ablaze with wondrous things Downy feathers kiss your face and flutter everywhere Reality is a lovely place but I wouldn't wanna live there I wouldn't wanna live there Weighed down by heavy lids and lunar lullabies I knew you were wide awake 'cause you smile with your eyes Downy feathers kiss your face and flutter everywhere Reality is a lovely place but I wouldn't wanna live there From the green belt balcony The wildfires look so pretty Ponderosa canopy I'd never leave if it were up to me To the ruby redwood tree And to the velvet climbing ivy Painted all mahogany

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Number of PetitLyrics Plays:25


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