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Artist:塩田将己  Album:Monochrome  Writer:塩田 将己  Composer:MLE PROJECT  Release Year:2020-06-22 

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Can you hear my shadow? Can you hear my shadow? Can you hear my shadow? Take my hand!! I know. A black and white world (In a dream) The power I have in my shell. Nobody in the world can dye. Drawing, I'm coloring right now. Already I have a different color. Look at me who changed from before. Let's open a new way. Add one color to this monochrome world. Don't stop the music and just do it now!! How can I glow first? I know it. The color that I can't hide. Stand out above all. Why don't you care about who you don't know? Be proud of yourself. Wing to the sky. Do you know your color? It's up to you. Take my hand!! You know! 白と黒が始まる全てのStory. 揺るがない like my force. Don't cry. To keep your beating "Take a deep breath" . If you hear the voice of God, the beginning of your story. 君の過去 現在 全てをto this monochrome world. 守り守られながら、何度も立ち向かう The color that I can't hide. Your everything.

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:1


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