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TOP > Lyrics > たんぽぽ(英語版)

Artist:おみゆか  Album:たんぽぽ  Writer:おみゆか  Composer:おみゆか  Release Year:2020 

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One day I found you You were softly blooming by the roadside Quietly You were just looking at me and smiling at me In the sweetest way to me, in the sweetest way I’ve ever seen When the sun was rising I remember you looked so happy, looking at the sky Gazing at the clouds moving far away to the end of earth, moving faraway Days have passed, since that day, lovely encounter at the roadside Looking for you, thinking of you, I want always to be with you La la la Meeting you brightened me You were gently swaying On the asphalt, pretty smiling Meeting you encouraged me You were softly swaying On the asphalt, firmly standing Lift me up for tomorrow I tie my shoelaces and take my step forwards without fear One day I found you You’re standing in the storm, rain hitting you harshly You were just waiting for the gentle light to shine on you again Waiting for the light to shine again
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おみゆかの斬新なスタイル“ Ukulele “ × “着物“を世界に発信するため、たんぽぽの英語バージョンも書き起こし。おみゆか初のオリジナル英語曲としても、お楽しみください。

Posted By: TuneCore Japan
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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