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TOP > Lyrics > Forgiven

Artist:From the Abyss  Album:Nature  Writer:Ko  Composer:Shusuke & Ko  Release Year:2019 

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Forgive my sin Forget my lie Let me go All of us carry the weight The heavy wound on my heart Still reminds me of the misery I know I want to say Speak out about my sin Where is the forgiveness This is my apology There is only one thing That we have to see beyond There is only one fail We fight each other We cry Over and over again No one could be innocent Why can’t we trust each other It’s a distress If I could erase the pain Do we confess(Will we confess) Please give me the forgiveness Release the soul If I could fly away to the sky If I could find the way to liberate myself Now I am tied up like a prisoner Who saves me

Posted By: TuneCore Japan
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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