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TOP > Lyrics > Superhero

Artist:JLS  Album:Outta This World  Composer:Tim McEwan, JLS, Lars Halvor Jensen & Ali Tennant 

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Can you feel my x-ray As I scan you down Can you feel the tremble As I shake the ground Gonna make the whole world Revolve around you now Feel the power run through me That's what you do to me If you wanna fly Put your drink down hold me tight I'll take you round the world tonight One second and we touch the sky - I'll take you Out the atmosphere back to the club before the sun comes up I - I can set this floor on fire I can take you so much higher Than you've ever been before I can be your superhero Movin' at the speed of light I can stop the time You just gotta let me know I can be your superhero I can move mountains If that's what it takes Go supersonic You'll never have to wait My pulse is racing like crazy Whenever you're around Somebody cool me off Before I shut this whole block

Posted By: うるぴ
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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