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TOP > Lyrics > 浮遊した理想

Artist:D'espairsRay  Album:- Gemini - 

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I can't erase… that's why I… I can't erase… that's why I… I can't erase… that's why I… I can't erase… floating away… Just thinking of the scene makes me sick… eat away… decay… before it's your falldown… Just thinking of the scene makes me sick… eat away… decay… before it's your falldown… 未完成な月と死にかけの太陽は まるで蜃気楼のように 砕け散った理性は甘く君を貪る 荒れ果てた声に抱かれ 「夢を見るの…」 君から浮かび上がる天へと 剥がれ落ちた理想と 錆び付いた現実に 淡い香り擦れ違う 嘆き迷う闇は君さえも飲み込んだ 揺らぐ月と雲のように It's tears of blood begin to seep… worry… your hurt… many promise broken It's tears of blood begin to seep… dirty… suffer… before it's your falldown…

Posted By: Spotify User
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:65


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