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Artist:千葉翔也  Album:Daybreak - EP 

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One day your words struck me, remember? “I guess there is a crack in your heart Look in the mirror You'll find a gloomy face” Since then, I've started topaint a white crescent on my mouth So will you ask the stray man “Are you in?” The wonderland is not here Told by the amazing singer Walk around, wander around... <Is it just a phase?> Criminal 見えないままで I dumped my precious <Want the same life as yours> Bring me down 手が届くまで I jumped with my pleasure <Wanna be as you are> Until the ending starts You don't have to give a loud laugh in the shining daylight You don't have to feel rough in the silent night On a terrible day, I saw a horrible face Not to cause trouble no more, I wanna be an invisible man I'm just kidding, hey, you know I have no courage to change Lookin' in the mirror, I justfound the man like an ape I wandered around, realized, got lost in a maze of mirror Wonderland disappeared <Please just say that phrase>

Posted By: ござる
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:32


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