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TOP > Lyrics > Miami 2017 (I've Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway)
Miami 2017 (I've Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway)
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I've seen the lights go out on the states I saw the southern boarder fall And life went on beyond the COVID They all bought Into Tp long ago They held a tariff on China To watch the world nuclear blow They turned our power down And drove us underground But we went right on with the show Oooh. Oh Oh Ooh I've seen the lights go out on The states I saw the ruins at my feet You know we almost didn't notice it We'd see it all the time on Wall Street They burned the churches up in Texas Like in that Patriotic Movie The flames were everywhere But no one really cared It always burned up there before Ooh. Oh Oh Ooh I've seen the lights go out on The states

Posted By: Spotify User
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:23


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