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TOP > Lyrics > I'm with you
I'm with you

Artist:みぃみぃ  Album:I'm with you  Writer:みぃみぃ  Composer:みぃみぃ  Release Year:2022 

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How are you? What are you doing now? I've grown out my hair My English is getting a little better How's it going? How's your day today? I will keep my finger crossed for you When you're tired I will make you smile So talk to me about anything Lalala I will be there for you I'm with you You always make me happy I'm with you We can overcome anything together I'm with you I'll always believe in you I'm with you I'm with you Power springs up in my heart Do you know? I wanna walk with you forever What's going on? Whever you are Whatever happens to you I will always be with you I will also help carry the bag that you are holding alone Lalala I will be the light that shines on you! I'm with you Your smile makes me smile
 Posted Comments
”I'm with you” 心から愛する人へ贈るラブソング。いつもあなたのそばにいる大切な誰かを思い浮かべながら聞いてください。

Posted By: TuneCore Japan
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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