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Sorry Not Sorry

Artist:ENVii GABRIELLA  Album:Metaphysica  Writer:souljuice  Composer:Christopher Golightly/Carlos K.  Release Year:2022-03-09  Number:KIZC-662

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Sorry not sorry! So we made it, made it 誰もが言ってた 無理 無理 I put on HIGH HEELS 昇るの高みに All my CAUSALITY DON'T TALK JUST one KISS my xxx! ENViiiiiiii!!!! GABRIELLA ENVii GABRIELLA レコ大作家の曲ぶん取って 好き放題やっちゃうけどParty! Hey Carlos! You're so SLAY We're gonna celebrate 貫いてるの My style 確信的な Success 愛してるの This bodyMy voice is 唯一無二 流行りなんてどうでもいい All produce is ME!! 僻みなさい ディスりなさい でも勝ち目ナイ はなから眼中にナイ Can you handle this? Can you handle this? I'm a savage I'm a savage I don't stop can't stop and won't stop I am sorry not sorry I'm not sorry I don't stop can't stop and won't stop I am sorry not sorry I'm not sorry Here's the new era Welcome to the new era I can be a diva I can be a Gentleman でもイケるのは最高級のイケメン 華麗にTransform Just like a perfume I got the best of both worlds 気分はHanna Montana You can call me G.A.Y

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:118


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