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Artist:eighteen's gone  Album:The certain day,in any day.  Writer:Millet  Composer:Marcie  Release Year:2022-01-26 

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You're so cute cute smile at everyone. But I know there's no truth. Your shoot shoot through my heart and leaving it alone. 一切意味のない包帯so tight. ほら失敗もう無いマイライフ The time is over. 明けない夜来But I can't give up. "Do you wanna hang out tonight?" "I'm sorry.I've got a plan." "Not again." In the night.(Flash light.) But never close your eyes. 今現在過酷 不確定でも We can make it take it love it. (Flash light.) But never close your eyes. 今現在過酷 不確定でも We can make it take it love it. I doubt what you're saying. Hmm... "Do you wanna hang out tonight?" "I'm sorry.I've got a plan." "Not again." In the night.(Flash light.)

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