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Artist:Empty old City  Album:Rhapsody 

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鮮やかな光 鳥たちが目を覚ます 穏やかな朝日 街は静かに眠る 引き金に手を掛けた少女の 強く儚い怨憎劇を ここで終わらせてくれる 風のラプソディ あと一秒と鼓拍一つの 命で愛を叫ぶ 青い空の幕を開ける 春の風に口づけを 明日はきっと世界はもっともっと 綺麗になる あの花の名前は知らない Just realize, realize no one's your enemy Feel alive, feel alive when you open your eyes When you die, when you die views will be glowing It's irony The clock hands are moving on That misery will become an episode of history The black small radio will speak to the world like their triumph I wanna see you right now one more time I want you to fall asleep beside Already you're smiling down from the sky? Smiling down from the sky? When I was a small child You taught me true love 今さら気づいてしまうの

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Number of PetitLyrics Plays:84


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