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Lyric Posting Community「PetitLyrics」


Artist:Demon Hunter  Album:EXILE  Writer:Patrick Judge/Ryan Clark  Composer:Patrick Judge/Ryan Clark  Release Year:2022 

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I can feel the fire Raining down its weight upon my days I feel its solace washing over me in waves This is a fight A wake to idle sight I found my way inside its ever-guiding light Some will say Completion lives inside of me I avow I gave with all my heart is allowed Avow Devotion frees the few Devotion draws away the dead of night Devotion waits for you Heals a hollow mind Hail, hail, hail Hail Devotion Hail, hail, hail Hail Devotion I will rise before my shadow here Is cast upon its grave I will inherit every scar before I cave This is my cause A plea to end the dark To be a witness to redemption 'til we part Some will say Completion lives inside of me I avow I gave with all my heart is allowed Avow Devotion frees the few Devotion draws away the dead

Posted By: PetitLyrics
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