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Hands Up to the Sky

Artist:SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Laco  Album:V  Writer:cAnON.  Composer:Hiroyuki SAWANO  Release Year:2023-01-18  Number:VVCL-2168

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1, 2, 3, We made it through 4&5,You got it too? カリソメの夜空を照らす Handle it with light 途方もない暮れに別れを告げる 確かな声を聴け Stand up and get a start 気の向くまま It's depending on your heart Can take shivers of your scar 広がった世界に描いていく 憧れはいつか消えてしまうのか? Raise your hands up to the sky 閉じていたvision 今 未来を繋いで Listen up, Troublemaker How'd you know 'bout my fever? どんなに読み漁ったって そこに答えはない 7,Our dream has come true &9,What you gonna do? 無防備な吐息が雨を降らす Hug each other tight とるに足らない些細な変化も 喜び合える日が来るなら Stand up and get a start 気まぐれでもいい It's depending on your heart Can take shivers of your scar 爪先立ちして覗いていたレンズのその先に 踊るプリズムのように Raise your hands up to the sky

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:222


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