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TOP > Lyrics > Cry and Shout
Cry and Shout

Artist:All is Well  Album:Illuminate  Writer:Daiki  Composer:All is Well  Release Year:2022 

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I'm mentally weak You don't have to tell me The more I think, the more confused I get All I do is worry I can't tell you to help me But when I'm singing, I feel like I got strong Now I'm going to endure this suffering I'll be strong again when I get over it When there's nothing to rely on, music is on your side I'm amazing Tell you I'm a great guy Cry and shout then be strong I don't want anyone to show my weaknesses Everyone thought I want to be the perfect Relying is not bad thing But I always want to be dependable person I want to be something that can be admired by someone It's my dream

Posted By: narasu
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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