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Let's call
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It's just a game so Are you ready? The show stage in light and feel so good Do or Die 大袈裟なことじゃないから The beginning of a liar, liar Do not run away Follow the rules Let's start Battle to decide the Champion wow Come on the Lady, look on me, Ring the bell It's a signal of the beginning Partyの主役は Who? Only one を支配しよう 闇夜から浮かんだ月 魔法解いてあげる Ladyに捧げるんだ Winnerの証をここに Put the tiara Stand at the top 召しましょう To the top floor It's just a game so Special game Today is the full moon It's so bright Yes or No 中途半端は許さない 「It's a piece of cake」? 「Well, bring it on」 Poker face is out Are you serious? The card floating of the wand

Posted By: モー
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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