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Need No Plans

Artist:MARIA  Album:True Color  Writer:MARIA  Composer:G.RINA 

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We don't even need no plans Im telling you That we don't even need no plans what We don't even need no plans Your damn right that we don't even need no plans We don't even need no plans Im telling you That we don't even need no plans what We don't even need no plans Your damn right that we don't even need no plans We don't even need no plans 集まる時大概ノリwho's in it High calories and alcohol are friendly If you wanna chill 足伸ばし目を閉じ huh なんか見えた?暑さのせいじゃん? 黄金のオレンジ絞るTequilasunrise こんな夜にお前に乗れないなんて Thats the best part なのに where's my babe 然るべきシチュエーション 然るべき飲みニケーション 時にはpatient やる時はやる破るsilence 喜びがあればどこかにsadness 難しい話しおいといて それでも伝わる相性なんて あたしのvibeにのってみな 待つのは嫌いdon't fuck my pace Its the weekend the week end the weekend finally みんなどこにいるわけ (hey) Where's everybody at? Play it all make it all night make it all night to the morning びしょ濡れでみなdancing (hey)

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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