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Just Smoke Just Chill

Artist:MARIA  Album:True Color  Writer:MARIA  Composer:OMSB 

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I just want us Kick it and relax For get the time We can just smoke We can just chill We can just chill 平日も I'll be kicking with my homie No disrespect だけど周りとかFuckで Do not disturb Im feelin it Im feelin it ウォッカは味が無ぇ 現実に殴られる 通勤ラッシュあたしは仲間外れ 眠りについても街は目覚め始め Turn everything upside down 時の囚人にはなれない なにしてんの いまどこいるの If we got the same vibe aye 即集まろ いくつになっても 歳とか関係ねぇ If we gonna party till to the morning I'm totally down man 後ろ指差し いい大人が って言う奴つまらね I dont think that you know you comfort me 君が笑えば悪にもなる すべて忘れて煙の奥 I just want us Kick it and relax For get the time We can just smoke We can just chill We can just chill

Posted By: PetitLyrics
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