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Chemical World

Artist:Blur  Album:Modern Life Is Rubbish 

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The pay-me girl has had enough of the bleeps So she takes the bus into the country Although she got herself rosy cheeks She didn't leave enough money to pay the rent The landlord says that she's out in a week What a shame she was just getting comfy Now she's eating chocolate to induce sleep In a chemical world, it's very, very, very cheap - And I don't know about you But they're putting the holes in, yes, yes It's been a hell of a do They've been putting the holes in, yes, yes Peeping Thomas has a very nice view Across the street at the exhibitionist These townies they never speak to you Just stick together so they never get lonely Feeling lead, feeling quite

Posted By: Spotify User
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:3


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