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アーティスト:東京ディズニーランド  アルバム:スプーキー“Boo!”パレード (ディズニー・ハロウィーン 2019)  作曲:Buddy Baker, Xavier Atencio, Joshua Spacht, Frank Churchill, Ned Washington, Richard M. Sherman, Robert B. Sherman, Jonathan Barr, Carolyn Gardner, Adam Gubman, Traditional, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, Edvard Grieg, Marco Marinangeli, Bruce Healey & Danny Elfman 

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皆さん、怪しくも素晴らしい ゴーストの世界へようこそ ゴーストになる覚悟は できているんですね? もう二度と後戻りはできません スプーキーBooパレードの 始まりですぞ We think it's quite hilarious You're feeling so precarious We'll make sure it's the scariest celebration Too late to change your mind because We've blocked the exit sign And we won't let you run and hide So let's have a good time Your reservation is confirmed To boogie with the other world Maybe you're still a bit concerned You won't return When all the ghosts come out to play it's going to be a holiday Don't turn your eyes and run away Come let's party Have a happy Halloween Better hope your screams can be heard Don't be late for Halloween Tricks and treats are out of this world Celebrate it's Halloween Ghosts and goblins are guaranteed Have a happy Halloween But it's not so scary, you'll see Boo!! All aboard! ご案内いたしますぞ まもなく ゴースト鉄道が出発いたします 楽しいゴーストになる旅へ どなた様も お乗り遅れの無いように お願いいたしますぞ ゴーストになるんだって! 骸骨!骸骨!骸骨! まぁ、なんて楽しそうなの? 私たちもゴーストになりましょ? 僕は降ろして……ですぞ Celebrate it's Halloween Ghosts and goblins are guaranteed Have a happy Halloween But it's not so scary, you'll see We think it's quite hilarious You're feeling so precarious We'll make sure it's the scariest celebration Too late to change your mind because We've blocked the exit sign And we won't let you run and hide So let's have a good time Your reservation is confirmed To boogie with the other world Maybe you're still a bit concerned You won't return When all the ghosts come out to play it's going to be a holiday Don't turn your eyes and run away Come let's party Have a happy Halloween Better hope your screams can be heard Don't be late for Halloween Tricks and treats are out of this world Celebrate it's Halloween Ghosts and goblins are guaranteed Have a happy Halloween But it's not so scary, you'll see Boo!! 皆さん スプーキーBooクルーズへ ようこそ! 皆さんをこれから 素敵なゴースト探検へと ご案内いたしますぞ なんだか楽しそうだなぁ! 楽しそう? 今更コースを変えようったって 間に合わないぜ? この先にはゴースト達が 手ぐすね引いて待ってるぜ プルート、 ゴーストが待ってるんだって! わくわくするね? Celebrate it's Halloween Ghosts and goblins are guaranteed Have a happy Halloween But it's not so scary, you'll see We think it's quite hilarious You're feeling so precarious We'll make sure it's the scariest celebration Too late to change your mind because We've blocked the exit sign And we won't let you run and hide So let's have a good time Your reservation is confirmed To boogie with the other world Maybe you're still a bit concerned You won't return When all the ghosts come out to play it's going to be a holiday Don't turn your eyes and run away Come let's party Have a happy Halloween Better hope your screams can be heard Don't be late for Halloween Tricks and treats are out of this world Celebrate it's Halloween Ghosts and goblins are guaranteed Have a happy Halloween But it's not so scary, you'll see Boo!! いよいよ スプーキーBooパレードが 始まりました この世のものとは思えない ゴーストの世界 どうぞお楽しみに ゴーストの世界? 楽しそうだなぁ! ここに足を踏み入れたら 二度と戻ることは できませんぞ ねぇ、どうしたの? あなたはゴーストになるまで 帰れませんぞ わぁーー!! 君もゴーストになるまで 絶対帰れませんぞ Celebrate it's Halloween Ghosts and goblins are guaranteed Have a happy Halloween But it's not so scary, you'll see We think it's quite hilarious You're feeling so precarious We'll make sure it's the scariest celebration Too late to change your mind because We've blocked the exit sign And we won't let you run and hide So let's have a good time Your reservation is confirmed To boogie with the other world Maybe you're still a bit concerned You won't return When all the ghosts come out to play it's going to be a holiday Don't turn your eyes and run away Come let's party Have a happy Halloween Better hope your screams can be heard Don't be late for Halloween Tricks and treats are out of this world Celebrate it's Halloween Ghosts and goblins are guaranteed Have a happy Halloween But it's not so scary, you'll see Boo!! ねぇ、クラリス? ゴーストの世界 とっても楽しいわね! 楽しいわねぇ ウフフフフ こんなに楽しいなら ゴーストになってもいいわね! ゴーストになりたいわぁ ウフフフフ クラリス?大丈夫? 楽しいわぁ ウフフフ よかった、楽しかったのね ウフフフ Celebrate it's Halloween Ghosts and goblins are guaranteed Have a happy Halloween But it's not so scary, you'll see We think it's quite hilarious You're feeling so precarious We'll make sure it's the scariest celebration Too late to change your mind because We've blocked the exit sign And we won't let you run and hide So let's have a good time Your reservation is confirmed To boogie with the other world Maybe you're still a bit concerned You won't return When all the ghosts come out to play it's going to be a holiday Don't turn your eyes and run away Come let's party Have a happy Halloween Better hope your screams can be heard Don't be late for Halloween Tricks and treats are out of this world Celebrate it's Halloween Ghosts and goblins are guaranteed Have a happy Halloween But it's not so scary, you'll see Boo!! ドナルド、 とっても素敵なメロディよ ゴーストの世界の音楽なのね でもどこかで聴いた事あるような… 1・2・3 Boo! ドナルド、 一緒に歌いましょう! Boo! なんて楽しいのかしら Boo! 身体が勝手に動いちゃうわ Celebrate it's Halloween Ghosts and goblins are guaranteed Have a happy Halloween But it's not so scary, you'll see We think it's quite hilarious You're feeling so precarious We'll make sure it's the scariest celebration Too late to change your mind because We've blocked the exit sign And we won't let you run and hide So let's have a good time Your reservation is confirmed To boogie with the other world Maybe you're still a bit concerned You won't return When all the ghosts come out to play it's going to be a holiday Don't turn your eyes and run away Come let's party Have a happy Halloween Better hope your screams can be heard Don't be late for Halloween Tricks and treats are out of this world Celebrate it's Halloween Ghosts and goblins are guaranteed Have a happy Halloween But it's not so scary, you'll see Boo!! ねぇチップ、ここはどこだろう? ここはゴーストの世界だよ なんだかちょっと怖いね ちょっとじゃなくて すご〜く怖いよ 帰りた〜い! Boo Boo Boo Boo Boo Boo Boo!!!! ゴーストの世界は なんだかちょっと楽しいね ちょっとじゃなくて すご〜く楽しいよ Have a happy Halloween Better hope your screams can be heard Don't be late for Halloween Tricks and treats are out of this world Celebrate it's Halloween Ghosts and goblins are guaranteed Have a happy Halloween But it's not so scary, you'll see Have a happy Halloween 今ここに蘇った 美しきゴースト達よ 人間たちを仲間にするために 今日は思う存分楽しむがいい そして暴れるがいい! まずはお前たち、楽しい仲間から ゴーストになってもらいますぞ We're spooked, but did we scare you? It's a thing we're aware we do We just want to prepare you It might be strange how we celebrate There's a voice that calls you to our midnight soiree And it beckons you to join us in our kooky fray I have to brag, I hate to boast Bat to join there is only one way What do you say, what do you say, what do you say? It's thrill and chills and magic From a world you have never seen Not scary weird or tragic Once you're here you'll wish you'd always been But ya gotta be a ghost ゴーストになる時間が やってまいりました 怪しく踊ってポーズを止めるのです まずは両手を顔の前に… いきますぞ! But ya gotta be a ghost A ghost, a ghost, a ghost But ya gotta be a ghost A ghost, a ghost, ghost gotta be a ghost Na, na,na,na-na-na Na,na-na-na-na-na-na,na,na

投稿者: タキ


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