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Ice Cream

Artist:Death Stoker  Album:Beauty and the Beast  Writer:Death Stoker  Composer:Oliva & TAKO!  Release Year:2024 

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You melted me down like ice cream You melted me down like ice cream You melted me down like ice cream This song is for you. I love you You melted me down like ice cream You melted me down like ice cream You melted me down like ice cream This song is for you. I love you (死亡斯托克、開啟Lia Mode 唱歌) We spend da same time 君が居ないともう限界 構わず進む時計が 溶かしていく俺のbroken heart My bae's nameを今 I scream Melt down ice cream Melt down ice cream Melt down ice cream 誰も居ない道で一人

Posted By: TuneCore Japan
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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