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Artist:NAQT VANE  Album:Dispersion  Writer:Benjamin/cAnON.  Composer:Hiroyuki SAWANO 

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漏れ聞こえた Phrase 何故か聞き過ごせない ノイズの音(ね) Distant memory grenade Ripples will come Words are not forgotten 波風ひとつ立てないように Gotta calm the stormy sea 心の輪郭 Think I can't recover 幾ばくかの誓いが Feelings that I smother How far away 空白は flies Recharge our hearts Readjusting the parts 誰も知るはずのない Silent clasher 未来を笑う Change our hearts Readjusting the parts 擦り傷すらない その姿 願いを彩る 名残の散る Swipe 褪(さ)めた Blues 捨てられない Bits of trails In the tower all my life Spinning that straw into something precious 季節を拾う その僅(わず)かに But there ain't no gold for me ピリオドは明白 Think I can't recover 取り違えた期待は Feelings that I smother How far away 執着は dries Recharge our hearts Readjusting the parts

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:133


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