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TOP > Lyrics > Supernatural

Artist:NewJeans  Album:Supernatural 

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Stormy night Cloudy sky In a moment you and I One more chance 너와 나 다시 한번 만나게 서로에게 향하게 My feeling's getting deeper 내 심박수를 믿어 우리 인연은 깊어 I gotta see the meaning of it I don't know what we've done 되돌아가긴 싫어 もう知っている Don't know what we've been sold 見つけられるよ So it's sure Golden moon Diamond stars In a moment you and I Second chance しょうがない もう少し待って 너와 내게 향하게 My feeling's getting deeper 내 심박수를 믿어 우리 인연은 깊어

Posted By: saki_ryou
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:11


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