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TOP > Lyrics > Don't Stay
Don't Stay

Artist:Lead  Album:XTLIKE  Writer:古屋敬多/佐伯youthK/SHINYA  Composer:AKIRA  Release Year:2024-09-04  Number:PCCA-06317

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I don't know way to return 届く保証もないのに 那由多に掲げた 途方も無いステージ 意味なんて要らない 求める強さに 答えが欲しいだけ We gotta find and take a uncharted path as we sacrifice things important Don't stay Even if you win the fight Don't stay Even more so you loser Don't stay… 夢の中 描くだけじゃ No 届かない I just wanna know myself 手を伸ばすほどに 強さとはなにかと 教えてくれる弱さ 超えた先に待つのが孤独の 静寂だとしても Don't be afraid, the real power never betray you Gonna smash the wall up Don't stay Even if you win the fight Don't stay Even more so you loser Don't stay… 偽物か本物など 誰が決めるの

Posted By: PetitLyrics
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