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TOP > Lyrics > AWAKE (REMmix)

Artist:spade13(13R.I.P)  Album:レム  Writer:Ota Miura  Composer:Ota Miura  Release Year:2024-10-12 

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微睡む色に浮かべたマレイスフレーバー 澱みは無いさ 掠める色を上げ I awake to me , slow awake to me I awake free , I awake to sleep one side , to ride , suicide, for die 暴いたコーネリア 下から撫で上げよう 縄は解けた 希望の指を立て I awake to me , slow awake to me I awake free , I awake to sleep one side , to ride , suicide, for die

Posted By: BIG UP!Official
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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