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You And Me And Everyone We Know

Artist:Maia Hirasawa  Album:Though, I'm Just Me  Writer:HIRASAWA MAIA ELVIRA  Composer:HIRASAWA MAIA ELVIRA 

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Think fast before they say that I love you Think fast before they say you love me to Cause then I'll put my runningshoes on And I'll run, run, run I ran Cause I love the exercise and morningbreeze And I run when I know what people hear About you and me and everyone we know That's just the way it goes But they won't tell anyone about this no, no.no Just a few of their lets say twnty best friends That you can choose to study medecine Just a few of their lets say twenty best friends That we've been making out in front of television Think twice before they say, "I said so" Think twice, in a few sec the whole office know That we've been holding hands and haven't said Hello, hello, hello Nothing's happened though

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:39


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